Principal Award: This award will be given to students (grades1-) who receive As and Bs in academic subjects for the entire school year. The student must not receive an N or a U in conduct, including physical education or fine arts to be eligible.
Academic Award: This award is presented to any student (grades 1-5) who has all As for the entire year. The student must not receive an N or a U in conduct, including physical education or fine arts to be eligible.
Bluebonnet Award: The student shall read at least five of the 20 Bluebonnet nominees for the current school year.
Classroom Citizenship Award: Students who maintain an E in all areas of citizenship for the entire school year will be recognized. All areas include classroom, music, and physical education.
Computer Award: An award will be presented to outstanding students in computer in each class.
Grade Level Completion Award: This award is presented to any student who completed an entire school year.
Math Achievement Award: This award will be presented to all students who maintain an A average in math for the year.
Most Improved Student: This award will be given to on boy and one girl from each class who has shown the most improvement in the area of academics or discipline.
Music/Physical Education: Awards are given to outstanding students in each of these areas.
Perfect Attendance: Certificates are awarded to students who are not absent during the entire school year. A student who has a combination of six unexcused tardies and/or early dismissals will not be eligible for this award. Classroom and individual incentives will be awarded for students who have perfect attendance each six weeks. A special incentive is provided for students who have perfect attendance for the entire year.
Poetry Award: This award is presented to any student who recites five poems of the following length:
- Pre-K and kindergarten- at least 4 lines in length
- 1st grade- at least 6 lines in length
- 2nd grade- at least 8 lines in length
- 3rd grade- at least 12 lines in length
- 4th grade- at least 14 lines in length
- 5th grade- at least 14 lines in length
Reading Achievement Award: This award is given to all students who maintain an A average in Reading for the year.
2024-2025 Fun Friday: 3rd-5th grade students can earn Fun Friday once a semester based on grades, attendance and citizenship. Fun Friday will be held on campus during the school day.
- Semester 1: Final semester core class grades (Math, ELAR, Science, Social Studies) must average together to be a 90 or above. Citizenship must be all E's. No unexcused absences.
- Semester 2: Average of the 4th and 5th six weeks final grades for the core classes ( Math, ELAR, Science, Studies) must be a 90 or above. Citizenship must be all E's. No unexcused absences.
updated 8/2024